Programming Languages Suite
Borland C++ V5.02
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C/C++ Source or Header
480 lines
// ObjectWindows - (C) Copyright 1991, 1993 by Borland International
#include <owl/pch.h>
#include <owl/defs.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "wcdefs.h"
#include "externs.h"
MAXTYPE RootValue;
BOARDTYPE Board[0x78];
#undef max
#undef min
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define TOLERANCE 8 // Tolerance width
// Value for exchanging pieces when ahead (not pawns)
// Isolated pawn. Double isolated pawn is 3 * 20
#define DOUBLEPAWN 8 // Double pawn
#define SIDEPAWN 6 // Having a pawn on the side
#define CHAINPAWN 3 // Being covered by a pawn
#define COVERPAWN 3 // covering a pawn
#define NOTMOVEPAWN 2 // Penalty for moving pawn
// Penalty for bishop blocking d2/e2 pawn
#define ROOKBEHINDPASSPAWN 16 // Bonus for Rook behind passed pawn
typedef unsigned char FILETYPE; // file numbers
typedef unsigned char RANKTYPE; // rank numbers
typedef unsigned char SETOFFILE;
typedef struct {
SETOFFILE one, dob;
// Global variables for this module
int PieceValue[7] = {0, 0x1000, 0x900, 0x4c0, 0x300, 0x300, 0x100};
const char distan[8] = { 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 };
// The value of a pawn is the sum of Rank and file values.
// The file value is equal to PawnFileFactor * (Rank Number + 2)
const char pawnrank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 8, 30, 0};
const char passpawnrank[8] = {0, 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 70, 0};
const char pawnfilefactor[8] = {0, 0, 2, 5, 6, 2, 0, 0};
const char castvalue[2] = {4, 32}; // Value of castling
const SETOFFILE filebittab[8] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};
PAWNBITTYPE *pawnbit = &pawnbitt[1];
int totalmaterial, pawntotalmaterial, material;
// Material level of the game
// (early middlegame = 43 - 32, endgame = 0)
int materiallevel;
const unsigned char squarerankvalue[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 4};
COLORTYPE tempcolor;
int temp, temp2; // temporary junk
// count the number of set bits in b
static int
count(SETOFFILE b)
char cnt = 0;
while (b) {
if (b % 2 == 1)
b >>= 1;
return cnt;
// Calculate value of the pawn structure in pawnbit[depth][color]
static int
pawnstrval(DEPTHTYPE depth, COLORTYPE color)
SETOFFILE iso; // contains FILEs with isolated pawns
iso = SETOFFILE(pawnbit[depth][color].one &
~((pawnbit[depth][color].one << 1) | (pawnbit[depth][color].one >> 1)));
return -(count(pawnbit[depth][color].dob) * DOUBLEPAWN +
count(iso) * ISOLATEDPAWN + count(iso &
pawnbit[depth][color].dob) * ISOLATEDPAWN * 2);
// calculate the value of the piece on the square
inline int
PiecePosVal(PIECETYPE piece, COLORTYPE color, SQUARETYPE square)
return PieceValue[piece] + PVTable[color][piece][square];
short mating; // mating evaluation function is used
// calculates piece-value table for the static evaluation function
PAWNTABTYPE pawntab[2];
// Bit tables for static pawn structure evaluation
SETOFFILE pawnfiletab, bit, oppasstab, behindoppass,
leftsidetab, rightsidetab, sidetab, leftchaintab,
rightchaintab, chaintab, leftcovertab, rightcovertab;
// Importance of an attack of the square
char attackvalue[2][0x78];
// Value of squares controlled from the square
int pvcontrol[2][5][0x78];
COLORTYPE losingcolor; // the color which is being mated
int posval; // The positional value of piece
int attval; // The attack value of the square
FILETYPE line; // The file of the piece
RANKTYPE rank; // The rank of the piece
char dist, kingdist; // Distance to center, to opponents king
CASTTYPE cast; // Possible castlings
short direct; // Indicates direct attack
int cnt; // Counter for attack values
int strval; // Pawnstructure value
COLORTYPE color, oppcolor; // Color and opponents color
PIECETYPE piececount; // Piece counter
SQUARETYPE square; // Square counter
DIRTYPE dir; // Direction counter
EDGESQUARETYPE sq; // Square counter
int temp, temp2; // temporary junk
// Calculate SAMMAT, PAWNSAMMAT and Material
material = pawntotalmaterial = totalmaterial = mating = 0;
for (square = 0; square < 0x78; square++)
if (!(square & 0x88))
if (Board[square].piece != empty)
if (Board[square].piece != king) {
temp = PieceValue[Board[square].piece];
totalmaterial += temp;
if (Board[square].piece == pawn)
pawntotalmaterial += PieceValue[pawn];
if (Board[square].color == white)
temp = -temp;
material -= temp;
materiallevel = max(0, totalmaterial - 0x2000) / 0x100;
// Set mating if weakest player has less than the equivalence
// of two bishops and the advantage is at least a rook for a bishop
if (material < 0)
losingcolor = white;
losingcolor = black;
mating = ((totalmaterial - abs(material)) / 2 <= PieceValue[bishop] * 2)
&& (abs(material) >= PieceValue[rook] - PieceValue[bishop]);
// Calculate ATTACKVAL (importance of each square)
for (rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++)
for (line = 0; line < 8; line++) {
square = (rank << 4) + line;
attval = max(0, 8 - 3 * (distan[rank] + distan[line]));
// center importance
// Rank importrance
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++) {
attackvalue[color][square] = char(((squarerankvalue[rank] * 3 *
(materiallevel + 8)) >> 5) + attval);
square ^= 0x70;
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++) {
oppcolor = (COLORTYPE)(1 - color);
CalcCastling(oppcolor, &cast);
if (cast != shrt && materiallevel > 0)
// Importance of the 8 squares around the opponent's King
for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
sq = PieceTab[oppcolor][0].isquare + DirTab[dir];
if (!(sq & 0x88))
attackvalue[color][sq] += char(((12 * (materiallevel + 8)) >> 5));
// Calculate PVControl
for (square = 0x77; square >=0; square--)
if(!(square & 0x88))
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++)
for (piececount = rook; piececount <= bishop; ((int)piececount)++)
pvcontrol[color][piececount][square] = 0;
for (square = 0x77; square >=0; square--)
if (!(square & 0x88))
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++) {
for (dir = 7; dir >= 0; dir--) {
if (dir < 4)
piececount = rook;
piececount = bishop;
// Count value of all attacs from the square in
// the Direction.
// The Value of attacking a Square is Found in ATTACKVAL.
// Indirect Attacks (e.g. a Rook attacking through
// another Rook) counts for a Normal attack,
// Attacks through another Piece counts half
cnt = 0;
sq = square;
direct = 1;
do {
sq += DirTab[dir];
if (sq & 0x88)
goto TEN;
temp = attackvalue[color][sq];
if (direct)
cnt += temp;
cnt += (temp >> 1);
if (Board[sq].piece != empty)
if (Board[sq].piece != piececount && Board[sq].piece != queen)
direct = 0;
} while (Board[sq].piece != pawn);
TEN: pvcontrol[color][piececount][square] += (cnt >> 2);
// Calculate PVTable, value by value
for (square = 0x77; square >= 0; square--)
if (!(square & 0x88)) {
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++) {
oppcolor = (COLORTYPE)(1 - color);
line = FILETYPE(square & 7);
rank = RANKTYPE(square >> 4);
if (color == black)
rank = RANKTYPE(7 - rank);
dist = char(distan[rank] + distan[line]);
kingdist = char(abs((square >> 4) - (PieceTab[oppcolor][0].isquare >> 4)) +
((square - PieceTab[oppcolor][0].isquare) & 7));
for (piececount = king; piececount <= pawn; ((int)piececount)++) {
posval = 0; // Calculate POSITIONAL Value for
// The piece on the Square
if (mating && piececount != pawn) {
if (piececount == king)
if (color == losingcolor) { // Mating evaluation
posval = 128 - 16 * distan[rank] - 12 * distan[line];
if (distan[rank] == 3)
posval -= 16;
} else {
posval = 128 - 4 * kingdist;
if (distan[rank] >= 2 || distan[line] == 3)
posval -= 16;
} else {
temp = pvcontrol[color][rook][square];
temp2 = pvcontrol[color][bishop][square];
// Normal evaluation function
switch (piececount) {
case king:
if (materiallevel <= 0)
posval = -2 * dist;
case queen:
posval = (temp + temp2) >> 2;
case rook:
posval = temp;
case bishop:
posval = temp2;
case knight:
cnt = 0;
for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
sq = square + KnightDir[dir];
if (!(sq & 0x88))
cnt += attackvalue[color][sq];
posval = (cnt >> 1) - dist * 3;
case pawn :
if (rank != 0 && rank != 7)
posval = pawnrank[rank] + pawnfilefactor[line] * (rank+2) - 12;
PVTable[color][piececount][square] = posval;
// Calculate pawntab (indicates which squares contain pawns)
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++)
for (rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++)
pawntab[color][rank] = 0;
for (square = 0x77; square >= 0; square--)
if (!(square & 0x88))
if (Board[square].piece == pawn) {
rank = RANKTYPE(square >> 4);
if (Board[square].color == black)
rank = RANKTYPE(7 - rank);
pawntab[Board[square].color][rank] |= filebittab[square & 7];
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++) { // initialize pawnbit
pawnbit[-1][color].one = pawnbit[-1][color].dob = 0;
for (rank = 1; rank < 7; rank++) {
temp = pawntab[color][rank];
pawnbit[-1][color].dob |= SETOFFILE((pawnbit[-1][color].one & temp));
pawnbit[-1][color].one |= SETOFFILE(temp);
// Calculate pawnstructurevalue
RootValue = pawnstrval(-1, Player) - pawnstrval(-1, Opponent);
// Calculate static value for pawn structure
for (color = white; color <= black; ((int)color)++) {
oppcolor = (COLORTYPE)(1 - color);
pawnfiletab = leftsidetab = rightsidetab = behindoppass = 0;
oppasstab = 0xff;
for (rank = 1; rank < 7; rank++) {
// Squares where opponents pawns are passed pawns
oppasstab &= SETOFFILE((~(pawnfiletab | leftsidetab | rightsidetab)));
// Squares behind the opponents passed pawns
behindoppass |= (oppasstab & pawntab[oppcolor][7 - rank]);
// squares which are covered by a pawn
leftchaintab = leftsidetab;
rightchaintab = rightsidetab;
pawnfiletab = pawntab[color][rank]; // squares w/ pawns
// squares w/ a pawn beside them
leftsidetab = SETOFFILE((pawnfiletab << 1) & 0xff);
rightsidetab = SETOFFILE((pawnfiletab >> 1) & 0xff);
sidetab = leftsidetab | rightsidetab;
chaintab = leftchaintab | rightchaintab;
// squares covering a pawn
temp = pawntab[color][rank+1];
leftcovertab = SETOFFILE((temp << 1) & 0xff);
rightcovertab = SETOFFILE((temp >> 1 ) & 0xff);
sq = rank << 4;
if (color == black)
sq ^= 0x70;
bit = 1;
while (bit) {
strval = 0;
if (bit & sidetab)
strval = SIDEPAWN;
else if (bit & chaintab)
strval = CHAINPAWN;
if (bit & leftcovertab)
strval += COVERPAWN;
if (bit & rightcovertab)
strval += COVERPAWN;
if (bit & pawnfiletab)
strval += NOTMOVEPAWN;
PVTable[color][pawn][sq] += strval;
if ((materiallevel <= 0) || (oppcolor != ProgramColor))
if (bit & oppasstab)
PVTable[oppcolor][pawn][sq] += passpawnrank[7 - rank];
if (bit & behindoppass)
temp = sq ^ 0x10;
for (tempcolor = black; tempcolor >= white
; ((int)tempcolor)--)
PVTable[tempcolor][rook][sq] +=
if (rank == 6)
PVTable[tempcolor][rook][temp] +=
bit = SETOFFILE((bit << 1) & 0xff);
// Calculate penalty for blocking center pawns with a bishop
for (sq = 3; sq < 5; sq ++) {
if (Board[sq + 0x10].piece == pawn && Board[sq + 0x10].color == white)
PVTable[white][bishop][sq + 0x20] -= BISHOPBLOCKVALUE;
if (Board[sq+0x60].piece == pawn && Board[sq+0x60].color == black)
PVTable[black][bishop][sq+0x50] -= BISHOPBLOCKVALUE;
for (square = 0x77; square >= 0; square--) // Calculate RootValue
if (!(square & 0x88))
if (Board[square].piece != empty)
if (Board[square].color == Player)
RootValue += PiecePosVal(Board[square].piece, Player, square);
RootValue -= PiecePosVal(Board[square].piece, Opponent, square);
int value;
SQUARETYPE castsquare, cornersquare, epsquare;
// Update pawnbit and calculates value when a pawn is removed from line
inline int
decpawnstrval(COLORTYPE color, FILETYPE line)
temp = ~filebittab[line];
pawnbit[Depth][color].one = SETOFFILE((pawnbit[Depth][color].one & temp) |
pawnbit[Depth][color].dob &= SETOFFILE(temp);
return int(pawnstrval(Depth, color) - pawnstrval(DEPTHTYPE(Depth - 1), color));
// Update pawnbit and calculates value when a pawn moves
// from old to new1 file
static int
movepawnstrval(COLORTYPE color, FILETYPE new1, FILETYPE old)
temp = filebittab[new1];
temp2 = ~filebittab[old];
pawnbit[Depth][color].dob |= SETOFFILE((pawnbit[Depth][color].one & temp));
pawnbit[Depth][color].one = SETOFFILE((pawnbit[Depth][color].one & temp2) |
pawnbit[Depth][color].dob | temp);
pawnbit[Depth][color].dob &= SETOFFILE(temp2);
return int(pawnstrval(Depth, color) - pawnstrval(DEPTHTYPE(Depth - 1), color));
// Calculate STATIC evaluation of the move
StatEvalu(MOVETYPE *move)
value = 0;
if (move->spe)
if (move->movpiece == king) {
GenCastSquare(move->new1, &castsquare, &cornersquare);
value = PiecePosVal(rook, Player, castsquare) -
PiecePosVal(rook,Player, cornersquare);
if (move->new1 > move->old)
value += castvalue[shrt-1];
value += castvalue[lng-1];
} else if (move->movpiece == pawn) {
epsquare = move->new1 - PawnDir[Player]; // E.p. capture
value = PiecePosVal(pawn, Opponent, epsquare);
} else // Pawnpromotion
value = PiecePosVal(move->movpiece, Player, move->old) -
PiecePosVal(pawn, Player, move->old) +
decpawnstrval(Player, FILETYPE(move->old & 7));
if (move->content != empty) { // normal moves
value += PiecePosVal(move->content, Opponent, move->new1);
// Penalty for exchanging pieces when behind in material
if (abs(MainEvalu) >= 0x100)
if (move->content != pawn)
if ((ProgramColor == Opponent) == (MainEvalu >= 0))
pawnbit[Depth][black] = pawnbit[Depth - 1][black]; // calculate pawnbit
pawnbit[Depth][white] = pawnbit[Depth - 1][white];
if (move->movpiece == pawn && (move->content != empty || move->spe))
value += movepawnstrval(Player, FILETYPE(move->new1 & 7), FILETYPE(move->old & 7));
if (move->content == pawn || move->spe && move->movpiece == pawn)
value -= decpawnstrval(Opponent, FILETYPE(move->new1 & 7));
// Calculate value of move
return value + PiecePosVal(move->movpiece, Player, move->new1) -
PiecePosVal(move->movpiece, Player, move->old);